Saturday, September 12, 2009

She's Crafty.

So I've been spending a bunch of time crafting lately as I don't have much $ to be going out, so I just sit in and listen to Pandora radio and paint and craft and dance around my room like an idiot. Also I've become a huge fan of whiskey. Does this mean I have cowboy in my blood? God, that would be awesome. haha.
So a couple months ago, actually in May on the same day I left for Texas adventure I bought a trunk at a thrift store (in St Augustine) with the intentions of painting it upon return of the trip. But as we all remember I came back and decided to move! So it got put on the back burner, and I even paid to have it moved here because I didn't want to pass up on the opportunity to paint a piece of furniture. It had so much potential! Well now, in September, 4 months and 3700 miles later I finally got to the revamp. Check out my awesomeness...

It started as a white with pink and purple sides and the lid was mutilated with some kind of terrible paper mache with what looked like brown paper bag? I sold my electric sander at the yard sale before I moved (why did I do that?!) so I couldn't paint over that crap. I instead opted to cover it in red velvet fabric that I inherited from my friend Ana a few months ago when I was still home. My friend Demi helped me prep it and then I took over the front. At the end of the slideshow there is 3 or 4 pictures of a apron I also saved from a Portland Free/Loot Box which had some kinda generic sauce advertisement on the front, I made a yoke of felt to cover it and voila! Purrdy apron to add to my ever-growing new obsession for aprons.

It's Friday night and I don't have to work tomorrow until eleven, so I should go be more productive.

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