Saturday, July 04, 2009


We've made it as far as Arizona today, we're actually about 3-4 hours away from San Diego now. But last night we got a little tired of being in the car and decided to settle in for the night at a really cute, kitschy motel in the middle of the desert, Yucca Motel. The blinds are the color of pepto bismol and the air conditioning is intense! It's like an igloo in here. Whew.

--Night before we stayed in Roswell NM at the most over-priced hotel ever. But we all really needed a good night's rest after not sleeping anymore than 3 hours each since we left on Tuesday. We woke up and walked around downtown Main St in Roswell before heading out on the road again. The desert is absolutely breath-taking. Beth and I were just in awe as we drove through the mountains/desert. 

We'll be spending 4th of July in San Diego with Jenni & her madre. And then we're heading up the coast of California. The plan is to camp somewhere in Northern California and then wake up and be into Portland within a few hours. We really are shooting for arrival Monday. So that Bethee can hang out for a few days, before her plane leaves on Thursday. 
Pookah is taking the trip quite well. The first two days she was on valium, but the second day she seemed really out of it, and I didn't like it. So yesterday I experimented and tried no valium, and she handled it quite well. Actually you couldn't have asked for a better cat to have in the car in my opinion. It was rather adorable. She hates wearing the harness, she acts like it's a straight jacket so I compromised with her and took it off. haha. So now I have a perfectly content cat, driving in the car without a harness and without meds. Awesome. I mean, she hates it. She'd rather be outside chasing lizards and all that. But she has managed. 

I've uploaded everything to my Flickr, up until this point. See them all here.

We're outta here! On the road again...
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.