Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Moving Day

Today is the real moving day. 
I'm leaving this apartment and this town and the bluejay outside of my window right now in >1 hour. It's crazy. It doesn't even really seem real to me.

The movers came and took everything away on Sunday.
It was so weird handing over all of your possessions to a bunch of strangers, who then will pass it along to another stranger and so forth until it arrives at my new place. It's also interesting when your stuff is in transit before you are. It's a new kinda trust in some respects. 

Yesterday was my last day at work for the Clinic.

It was rather difficult, to say the least, to try and keep up with my actual 'work' in addition to the cake and sweet little gifts I received.  Though I'm sure they weren't expecting much of me either. Mmmm Starbucks giftcards & red velvet cake :) 

So I ended up bartering my surfboard to Crowbar at Trendkill Tattoo (also my office manager's husband) for a tattoo. So I loaded the surfboard in my car last night at about quarter ta' 9 and headed to Palatka. I didn't even get in the chair until about 9:45 or later, and headed back to town at around midnight. It looks amazing. And it was totally worth the trade. And now I don't have that damn surfboard to deal with while driving across the United Stiz-ates.

I have some photos I need to post from my yard sale Saturday, and Packing and all that. 
But right now I need to give Pookah her travel meds and start hitting the road to go pick up Bethee. I'm so glad she's coming with me now. It's going to be an awesome adventure.
Good thoughts everyone.
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.