I start work in an hour and a half! Holy crap, I'm nervous and excited.
Right now I'm drinking my hazelnut coffee, updating my iPod for the walk and doing my make up.
My wardrobe is very limited right now because all my stuff still isn't here.
BUT! This morning I got a phone call from the driver, and he should be here tomorrow morning before I head to work @ 11:30. Which is great. Then Ethan won't have to deal with it, which I really feel like is unfair to have him do. And then of course the other great thing is...Finally it will all be here! And I can start putting the pieces back together. I'm not a fan of this transitional phase. And I've done rather well settling without actually having my belongings. But this will really help me, just as it did when I moved to Weeden St. I'll work all day and come home and unpack all night. Too bad I don't have any dear friends here to help keep me smiling through it.
Zach came to Portland yesterday and ugh, it was so nice to see him!
And to have a last day of quote-un-quote "freedom" before I start my job today.
We went to the Gardens, and to see Food Inc
Pookah is starting to get restless in the house, I can tell.
She wants to be outside. But I get nervous because where we live is a lot more busy than what she's used to. This being said, Pookah is not a dumb cat. She's probably the wisest one I've had to date. But she's needed the time to adjust to the sunset here because thats how they find their way back home. Her and Ruben haven't become FRIENDS yet, but they live together. She kinda just keeps away from him and hangs out with me in my room all day. Which is sweet, but I know deep down she'd rather be outside chasing lizards or whatever all day. I think tomorrow morning I'm going to take her out into the courtyard with the leash/harness just so she can get a taste for it, and then we'll start with supervised outside time, and before I know it and she knows it-she'll be on her own! Cruising the streets, stealing cars, vandalizing property, and whatever other shenanigans cats get into during the daytime hours when we are at work.
Well I've spent too much time on here, I need to start my walk to work now.
Wish me luck!