Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Potted Plant Garden & Such

I finally scraped together enough money this paycheck to buy a couple flowers for out on our steps. It makes everything feel much cozier. And lord knows I need the comfort. Here's a mosaic of the photos, but check out my Flickr for the individual shots.

My friend, Jak, is coming from St Augustine for the weekend. It'll be so nice to see a familiar face here in Portland. Especially since the room mate is gone with his family on a vacation for his birthday in Washington on the coast somewhere. Jak has a website called St Augustine Pics that I visit daily because it's not only purrrty to look at but gives me my St Augustine-fix. You should check it out too.
A few months ago I was in one of the shots he posted.

And so was the yard sale at Loose Screws...

That's all for now.

How to sprout an avocado.

Originally uploaded by Mermaid Hair
Buy an avocado and make something delicious to eat with it.
Rinse off seed, and sit by your sink for 2 days. (48 hrs)
Peel brown skin off pit and place 3 toothpicks/skewers around pit.
Place this inside of a jar of warm water, covering 2/3 of the pit.
Each day replenish with warm water.
When roots start to sprout place jar/seed in a window sill.

I have successfully grown avocado sprouts and plants, including the one that still lives in St Augustine that's now...over 2 years old.

Most folks don't peel the skin off or know to use/replenish with warm water, and that's where they go wrong. I think those are the key tricks.

I do have a recommendation for what delicious meal to make with the avocado...add it to your grilled cheese sammich, and if you're super fancy add feta cheese too. YUM.
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.