Saturday, September 19, 2009


See why I adore this place? How cute is this?!

...I uploaded some new photos to the flickr.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


No playing in the play zone.
...Not on Pookah's watch.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Potted Plant Garden & Such

I finally scraped together enough money this paycheck to buy a couple flowers for out on our steps. It makes everything feel much cozier. And lord knows I need the comfort. Here's a mosaic of the photos, but check out my Flickr for the individual shots.

My friend, Jak, is coming from St Augustine for the weekend. It'll be so nice to see a familiar face here in Portland. Especially since the room mate is gone with his family on a vacation for his birthday in Washington on the coast somewhere. Jak has a website called St Augustine Pics that I visit daily because it's not only purrrty to look at but gives me my St Augustine-fix. You should check it out too.
A few months ago I was in one of the shots he posted.

And so was the yard sale at Loose Screws...

That's all for now.

How to sprout an avocado.

Originally uploaded by Mermaid Hair
Buy an avocado and make something delicious to eat with it.
Rinse off seed, and sit by your sink for 2 days. (48 hrs)
Peel brown skin off pit and place 3 toothpicks/skewers around pit.
Place this inside of a jar of warm water, covering 2/3 of the pit.
Each day replenish with warm water.
When roots start to sprout place jar/seed in a window sill.

I have successfully grown avocado sprouts and plants, including the one that still lives in St Augustine that's now...over 2 years old.

Most folks don't peel the skin off or know to use/replenish with warm water, and that's where they go wrong. I think those are the key tricks.

I do have a recommendation for what delicious meal to make with the avocado...add it to your grilled cheese sammich, and if you're super fancy add feta cheese too. YUM.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lewis & Clark State Park

We also went to the Lewis & Clark State Park while out on the coast last week.
Demi and I snuck off and found a cool trail out in the woods.
But to our surprise a lot of stuff was in disarray, trees were knocked over and it just seemed, un-natural for a state park to have a trail that walks by so much devastation? Maybe it was an unfinished trail or something. But even still, why would trees need to be knocked over for a pathway that already exists? Hmmm how curious.

& The Rest~


Originally uploaded by Mermaid Hair
It was sweet.

--uploaded some pictures to my Flickr
from my recent escape to the coast.

She's Crafty.

So I've been spending a bunch of time crafting lately as I don't have much $ to be going out, so I just sit in and listen to Pandora radio and paint and craft and dance around my room like an idiot. Also I've become a huge fan of whiskey. Does this mean I have cowboy in my blood? God, that would be awesome. haha.
So a couple months ago, actually in May on the same day I left for Texas adventure I bought a trunk at a thrift store (in St Augustine) with the intentions of painting it upon return of the trip. But as we all remember I came back and decided to move! So it got put on the back burner, and I even paid to have it moved here because I didn't want to pass up on the opportunity to paint a piece of furniture. It had so much potential! Well now, in September, 4 months and 3700 miles later I finally got to the revamp. Check out my awesomeness...

It started as a white with pink and purple sides and the lid was mutilated with some kind of terrible paper mache with what looked like brown paper bag? I sold my electric sander at the yard sale before I moved (why did I do that?!) so I couldn't paint over that crap. I instead opted to cover it in red velvet fabric that I inherited from my friend Ana a few months ago when I was still home. My friend Demi helped me prep it and then I took over the front. At the end of the slideshow there is 3 or 4 pictures of a apron I also saved from a Portland Free/Loot Box which had some kinda generic sauce advertisement on the front, I made a yoke of felt to cover it and voila! Purrdy apron to add to my ever-growing new obsession for aprons.

It's Friday night and I don't have to work tomorrow until eleven, so I should go be more productive.
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.