Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Run from the heat to the Coast!

Monday I went to the coast~ It was gorgeous!
I posted the pictures to my Flickr
& It was about 15-20 degrees cooler than it is here right now.

I've decided that I want to learn another language.
I just don't know which one!
There are so many to choose from!
I've always wanted to visit Sweden, or live in Sweden~
But it turns out most Swedes speak English.

That'd be cool.

My first day of work at the new place was awesome!
I totally fit right in, my boss even said it felt like I had been there longer.
Now, I don't know if thats just silly flattery but I did step up to the plate to restrain a very angry cat and save her skin yesterday when she was trying to cut his toe nails, hahaha.
I have the scratches to prove it!

But anyways, I like it. I'm concerned that I wont get my first paycheck until the 15th though because it's one of those jobs that get paid on the 1st and the 15th. Ugh. I do hate that.
But I should be okay. Oh! and my new cards were in the mailbox when I got home, which is suhhhweet, they're adorable! I took them to a few spots yesterday and because they made an error the first time they sent me 500 instead of the initial 250 I ordered. So yay!
I'm off today but work the next few days in a row. So I'm staying home and organizing my closet, I found a awesome book shelf on the side of the street the other day.
Portland is known for it's free boxes and loot piles on the side of the street. I have never seen so many free 'yard sales' at all days of the week in my life, it's a thrifter's dream! haha :)

Oh, and in case you were wondering.
YES it's true Portland is having a very un-typical heat wave.
YES it's been 105 for the past 3 days.
NO I do not have a fan or a A/C.
Whew! I've been surviving on frozen (fresh) blueberries, mmm refreshing!

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.