Saturday, July 18, 2009


Originally uploaded by Mermaid Hair
I uploaded some more photos from the last day Bethee was here, and I took her to VooDoo donut. Which is such a fun place! I love the Grape Ape donut, which basically tastes like grape Kool-Aid. I know, I know, most people think that is disgusting, but mmmm not to me! haha

Also my stuff did in-fact arrive on Tuesday and everything is accounted for except for the mid-beam to my bed frame, which totally sucks anyways, and I can't believe I moved with it. So I had to go to IKEA to buy a new bedframe, but they gave me the wrong size flats (Full instead of a Queen) so now I have to go back to exchange them, except my receipt is somewhere in the region of my room that is now the catch all until I get the rest of the house put away. Bah!

I had a little snag with work when all this stuff got delivered, and I'm also now having a hard time with the canvassing aspect of my new job. I've been applying for other things, mostly pet-related positions, because thats what I know, and love. I had a mini interview with a boarding facility fora Kennel Mgr position, which I have all the qualifications and more for. And it's closer to my house, and pays just as well. So, let's just cross our fingers. haha But I'm sticking it out for now.

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